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One Of Our Hardworking Evening/Weekend Classes

One Of Our Hardworking Evening/Weekend Classes

Sometimes we forget to talk about these guys.  That's because they're commonly the ones quietly working hard and not bothering anyone.  Over the course of 15 months they work their 40 hours/week day jobs, or they raise their families, and they still find time to train and study for a rewarding new career in Clinical Massage Therapy.

These are not the squeaky wheels, so we sometimes forget they are there.  But they are there, and they're working every bit as hard as the day groups, often even harder.  So we're dedicating this week's newsletter to the evening/weekend students, and all the time and energy they commit to our program with minimal complaints and maximum results.

Here are some pics we snuck of 1608E hard at work doing DDD treatments.


(Above: Diana and Amelia focused on the task at hand, so to speak.)

(Above: Ronae shows off her muscles.  Literally!)

(Above: Rose prepares to lengthen his client's neck.)

(Above: Sally can't ignore the camera.)

(Above: Ronae puts those muscles to good use.)

(Above: Amelia threatens to maim whoever takes her picture.)

(Above: Jeremy wonders how relaxed will be too relaxed?)

(Above: Marek's beard itches, but he can't scratch it for the next 25 minutes.)

