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Massage Therapy To Improve Back Pain

Massage Therapy To Improve Back Pain

Massage Therapy To Improve Back Pain

Can Massage Therapy Improve Back Pain?

As more and more people turn to alternative methods to treat chronic back pain, massage therapy is more widely accepted in the medical community as an effective treatment. Some of the potential health benefits from massage therapy include: increased circulation and blood flow, decreased tension in the muscles, and increased endorphins in the brain—all of which can reduce pain and speed recovery from chronic back problems.

If you’re interested in learning more about how massage therapy can improve back problems, and if you want to become part of the solution, The Soma Institute is the right place for you. Soma offers an intensive Clinical Massage Therapy program that prepares students to “massage with a purpose”-- doing more than just traditional massage therapists.

You will learn about the specific types of back pain—and how massage therapy can alleviate it. Massage therapy is non-invasive and has been shown to help increase production of ‘feel good’ hormones in the body which is hugely helpful for people with acute back problems or pain. Soma offers an 11-month and 15-month Clinical Massage Therapy program preparing students to have a rewarding career as a massage therapist. We cover the major methods of massage therapy, including: hydrotherapy, bodywork, and sports massage.

Call Soma today to find out more about a career in Massage Therapy and how you can become part of the solution. To speak to a knowledgeable Admissions Representative, give us a call at 1-800-694-5314.
