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Massages, Acupuncture, Yoga Help Breast Cancer Patients De-Stress, Heal

Massages, Acupuncture, Yoga Help Breast Cancer Patients De-Stress, Heal

From the Hartford Courant:

When Anne Romus got breast cancer, she continued to work while receiving chemotherapy, a lumpectomy and radiation.

She enjoyed the hand and shoulder massages offered while receiving treatment at St. Francis Hospital's Comprehensive Women's Infusion Center, but figured she didn't have time to sample the integrative medicine services also offered at the center. But when she developed neuropathy in her hands and feet — a side effect of treatment — she found research showing acupuncture helped patients like her.

"Once I found the time and courage to go up to integrative medicine, it was literally another world. Everything slows down. It's the person first," says Romus, of Hartford. The integrative medicine staff helps patients and caregivers "find out our own way of relaxation, our own path to recovery. I believe relaxation and de-stressing our lives is a huge part of getting better."

Read more about Anne's journey into complimentary medicines here.
