Health Coach Certification

Health Coach Certification

Today, with the growing epidemic of nation-wide obesity, depression, disease, and general discontent, there is an increasing demand for the all-encompassing Health Coach Professional. The Soma Institute in Chicago tackles this growing need in the healthcare system by training and certifying mentors in this rewarding and challenging career.

Diet is only one aspect of a person’s health. The Soma Institute addresses all aspects of health, including: diet and food; relationships and emotional well-being; exercise and physical health; and career and spirituality development. We train you to fill this growing void and become advocates for your clients, helping them become happier and healthier in all facets of their lives.

>Health Coaches move on to careers in:

  • Doctors’ Offices
  • Private Practices
  • Wellness Centers
  • Gyms & Spas

Traditional doctors can only take their patients so far. Health Coaches motivate their clients to make lasting changes and develop habits for a lifetime. We work in conjunction with other health professionals to determine the best course for a given individual’s best path and future, integrating all facets of person’s overall well-being, happiness, health, love, and spirituality.

Launch your own career and health-practice today. Help others—including yourself—discover their life’s passions!