Massage and Migraine

Migraine Management And Massage Treatment In Chicago

For migraine sufferers searching for alternative options to treat their pain, a recent study by Montefiore Headache Center in New York suggests massage therapy—along with other healthy habits—as an effective treatment. The efficacy of massage therapy for migraines gives hope to patients looking to avoid pharmaceutical options.

Migraines can cause feelings of exhaustion, confusion, and even depression. Migraine management and massage treatment in Chicago helped these patients experience a positive change in intensity and frequency of headaches, and reported a decrease in migraine attacks, heart rates, anxiety, and cortisol levels.

For decades, The Soma Institute has been a leader in clinical massage therapy education. Besides treatment of soft tissue through manual manipulation, clinical massage therapy develops, maintains, and augments the physical function of the client. If you’ve ever considered a career in massage therapy, give The Soma Institute a call today to find out more about our massage therapy programs. Where you end up in your career has a lot to do with where you start! Call Soma at 1.800.694.5314.