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Soma Massage Blog

Let your phone help you lose weight and get fit!

By Amber Mills.

I don’t know about you, but my cell phone plays a big role in my life.

It sounds crazy but my phone is like my own personal assistant. I use it to communicate, bank, read books, find recipes, check the weather and find out what’s happening in the world. Does this sound like you? If it does, why not let your phone help you lose weight and get fit? (more…)

Obamacare and Wellness – Getting America Healthy

By Amber Mills.

You are probably aware that the United States has an obesity epidemic. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2009), obesity rates for adults and children have more than doubled since the 1970s and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that the direct and indirect medical costs of obesity in the United States, in 2008, were $147 billion. (more…)

Massage Effective Treatment For Low Back Pain

By Amber Mills.

According to the Global Burden of Disease, 2010, low back pain is the single leading cause of disability in the United States.[1] It is the second most common reason for seeing a doctor in the United States, following coughs and respiratory infections.[2] And 8 out of 10 people will have low back pain at some point in their life.[3] (more…)

Eating healthy is a key part of wellness

By Amber Mills.

You have probably read about the negative affects that chemical pesticides and hormones can have on your health and how eating organically is better for your health. For those of you who are on a budget, you have probably wondered how you can eat organically without going over your grocery budget. When you decide to make the switch to organic food, you don’t have to buy everything organic all at once. Here is a list of the top 12 foods to buy organic, these are sometimes referred to as “The Dirty Dozen”: (more…)

Massage The Natural Sleep Aid

By Amber Mills.

According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 40 million Americans suffer from chronic, long term sleep disorders and an additional 20 million report sleeping problems occasionally. Stress and anxiety are two big reasons Americans are missing out on sleep. (more…)
