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Tag Archives: #clinicalmassage

The Business of Helping People

By Joan Hannant, Founder & CEO of The Soma Institute The Soma Institute was built on the idea of helping people. Students come to us because they are passionate about the idea of a career where they can help people heal naturally. My passion and the passion of our staff is to help our students…
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A Massage Teacher’s Confession

I have a confession to make. Every time we have a graduation ceremony, I have the same daydream.  It’s very simple. Both Hovi and Rob can’t be found, and somebody has to give a speech.  Can you wing it, Jason? And I hem and I haw, but eventually I agree to try.  I reluctantly approach…
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Holistic Health Coach

A Day In the Life of a Health Coach by April Larson Starting your own business as a holistic health coach is definitely not your typical 9 to 5 job. It may even be a bit overwhelming at first, but once settled into is one of the most rewarding careers. Curious what a day in…
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Career Fair Follow Up

by Jason VonGerichten A few weeks ago, Soma hosted its first ever Career Fair. We had CEU providers, raffles, prizes, and we had several employers to talk to our students and alumni. We followed up with four of them following the Career Fair to ask a few more questions. These representatives were from: Hand and…
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