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Category Archives: Health Coach Certification

Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate Program

Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate Program As the country deals with the consequences of epidemic levels of chronic disease and obesity, The Soma Institute in Chicago is determined to be part of the solution. The Health & Wellness Coaching Certificate program at Soma is considered an innovative approach to addressing the health challenges the nation…
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Health and Wellness Coach Certification

Health and Wellness Coach Certification With an increase in nation-wide obesity, depression, and disease, there is a growing demand for health coach professionals. Traditional doctors can take their patients only so far. Health Coaches motivate their clients to make lasting changes and develop habits for a lifetime.  The Soma Institute in Chicago tackles this growing need…
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Health & Wellness Certification Program

Health & Wellness Certification Program The United States is dealing with staggering healthcare costs—the majority of which are from chronic disease and preventative illness.  Medical professionals have been turning to alternative methods of treatment, specifically preventative measures of care.  One effective way to instill ongoing behavioral changes is through Health and Wellness Coaching.  These ambassadors…
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