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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Massage Therapy and Health and Wellness Coaching

Massage therapists know that massage has many health benefits from stress reduction to pain relief, and many Americans have chosen to make massage therapy a part of their healthy lifestyle regiment. But, what if there was a way for massage therapists to offer more in the realm of wellness care? A health and wellness coach…
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Your Swivel Chair Is Trying to Kill You

The human body is not built for sitting in a swivel chair for eight hours a day.  And yet that’s what many of us do.  Thousands of years of hunting and gathering has not left us with bodies designed for staring at a computer, filling out TPS reports and wishing a plague upon our copiers. …
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Turn And Face The Hamstring Strain

The weather is gorgeous, you’re out with some friends at a picnic, and someone breaks out the Frisbee. And you love Frisbee. You’re really good at Frisbee, especially those wacky catches where you spin and snatch the Frisbee between your legs or behind your back.  You jump up from the picnic blanket, which you’ve been…
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This Graduate Seems To Be Showing Off

Jess Labunski graduated from Soma about two years ago, and she has not wasted any time in getting a successful massage career started. We recently got her to answer some questions about her career for us.  What drew you to massage?  I was always interested in a career in the health field, but it took…
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Never Wear Flip Flops: Not just a school policy

The temperature is rising.  Maybe not as quickly as we’d like, but it’s rising.  And with that rise brings a change of wardrobe.  Cast aside are the sweaters and woolen socks of only last month, and stowed away are the mittens and scarves.  Time to don those ironic t-shirts, throw on some shorts, and feel…
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