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Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Go Walking

If one of your New Years resolutions was to get back in shape, but you don’t think gym life is for you, I’d like to make an argument for a very simple exercise you already know how to do.  Walking. Two Reasons I Walk Walking is good exercise. It’s not great exercise, but it’s pretty…
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A Massage Teacher’s Confession

I have a confession to make. Every time we have a graduation ceremony, I have the same daydream.  It’s very simple. Both Hovi and Rob can’t be found, and somebody has to give a speech.  Can you wing it, Jason? And I hem and I haw, but eventually I agree to try.  I reluctantly approach…
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Plantar Fasciitis: The Agony of the Feet

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of foot pain in athletes. But, unfortunately, it’s not exclusive to athletes. Normal people can get it, too. As the name implies, plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the fascia on the bottom of your foot. The fascia pulls tight and thickens, causing a…
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Career Fair Follow Up

by Jason VonGerichten A few weeks ago, Soma hosted its first ever Career Fair. We had CEU providers, raffles, prizes, and we had several employers to talk to our students and alumni. We followed up with four of them following the Career Fair to ask a few more questions. These representatives were from: Hand and…
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My Massage Music Dilemma

by Jason VonGerichten   I asked my colleagues and friends: What type of music do you listen to when you are giving or receiving a massage? I’ve struggled with different types of music in the past.  The obvious answer, and the one I received many varieties of, was new-age music.  Or what experts refer to…
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