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Category Archives: Uncategorized

What Brought These Students To Massage (part 3)

MICHAEL What did you do before Soma? I worked in food service at a university and then at the Chicago Botanic Garden. What brought you to massage in general, and to Soma specifically? After massaging friends and family and realizing the impact touch could have even from untrained hands I wanted to see what I…
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What Brought These Students To Massage (part 2)

ALLYNE What did you do before Soma? I am a licensed cosmetologist.  I work at a hair salon for children. What brought you to massage in general, and to Soma specifically? I love working with my hands.  I like helping people.  Massage seemed like the best way to go.  I chose Soma because I loved…
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What Brought These Students To Massage

At the heart of everything here are, of course, our students.  Soma is very proud that we have such a diverse group with so many wonderful stories to share, and we’ve been asking them to write down some of their experiences for us.  The first three stories we received were from a former personal trainer,…
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When Soma Does Chair Massage

When our students are about a third of the way through the program we take them down to the lobby of our building and hold a free chair massage event for all the building’s 22 floors worth of employees.  Just like at the marathon, the students are nervous going into it, as they’ve never worked…
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Soma Massages at the 2016 Chicago Marathon

Every year it happens. We take all of our students to volunteer in the Balboa Hospitality tent at the Chicago Marathon. In the weeks preceding the event various students will tell the teachers how nervous they are.  These are actual people!  What if they’re not up for the task?  What if they start cramping and…
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