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Soma Massage Blog

The Chicago Marathon: Where Confidence Grows

By Joan Hannant, Founder & CEO of The Soma Institute

Watching our students succeed fills me with pride. They come to Soma as adults of all ages from all walks of life. Some enroll with complete confidence they have what it takes to be a clinical massage therapist. Others aren’t so sure. But every year there is one part of their training that stands out, where students walk away with their heads held high as they exhibit a new sense of confidence. That event is the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.


Sports Massage: A World of Opportunities

By Mike Hovi, Program Director at The Soma Institute

I love sports. For most of my life, I’ve watched them and played them, and for the 12 years I spent as a high school teacher, I coached them. It’s always been important to me that I stay involved in sports, but when I got involved in clinical massage therapy, I had no idea the amount of opportunities it would open up.


I’ve Been There: Soma’s Passion for Helping Students

By Dee Smith, Instructor at The Soma Institute

Nationwide, there is a new trend toward career changes. It’s a new phenomenon to the rest of the world, but one I know well and one we see play out over and over again at Soma. It’s also my story.

I’m a practicing clinical massage therapist and an instructor at The Soma Institute. Massage is my passion, but this industry was not always in my plans.


Back-to-School Health and Wellness Tips and Recipe

By Monique Costello, Instructor at The Soma Institute

For some families, the first day of school can be a shock to the system. Just getting out the door on time can be a challenge.

To cut down on that stress, it’s important to recognize that children follow their parents’ lead. If parents are stressed and not eating healthy, kids are in the same situation. We really want parents to think about their morning routine.


My Passion for Entrepreneurship

By Joan Hannant, Founder & CEO of The Soma Institute

A recent student survey we distributed at Soma came back with some eye-popping results. 97% of our current student body hope to own their own business one day. 97%! That is almost every single student! This is incredibly inspiring, and it brings two of my passions together: education and entrepreneurship.

For decades, my passion for education has been fueled by a desire to help others and a fascination with people who are working to change their lives for the better. From my time as a professor of economics and political science at York University in the early 90s to my current role as founder and CEO of The Soma Institute, I’ve always been driven by a motivation to help and support students.

