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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Career Fair Pics

There's no way to describe every picture in here.  Needless to say, a good time seems to be had be all the participants and staff during our Career Fair, and we think these pics represent that.     
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A Variety of Massage Careers

You’ve gotten your diploma.  Now what?  There are many options available to you (and more being added all the time).  Whether working in a spa, for a doctor, or starting your own business, there is no lack of choices for moving your career forward.  We’ve found a great article from the American Massage Therapy Association…
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Massage Away Your Winter Blues

In the winter students come to school in the dark and they go home in the dark, and that can give anyone the blues.  Lucky for them, and lucky for you if you receive regular massage during the winter months, massage has been shown time and time again to be one of your best defenses…
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Massage For Immune Support

One of the reasons I see so many students getting sick this time of year is that they’re not taking proper care of their immune systems.  Their immune system is their first line of defense against things like viruses and bacteria, and your immune system becomes for sluggish in the cold weather, especially in your…
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Sinus Relief With Massage

One thing the teachers at Soma like to point out on me a lot are the location of my sinuses.  There are four sets, and around this time of year they like to get inflamed, clogged and painful.  But before you start popping pills to relieve the congestion, try a simple acupressure treatment to open…
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